Author: Joanna Pineda

Hello 123

I blogged last week about how excited I am that some of my favorite magazines are now available on the iPad.  Last week, I discovered that TIME Magazine has a […]

Are You Ready to Ditch Your Paper Subscriptions?
Posted on May 27, 2010
More and more of my clients are making the decision to eliminate their print magazines and newsletters. They're choosing digital versions of their publications over print to eliminate printing and mailing costs, achieve immediate delivery, and occasionally, create personalized versions based on customer preferences. All of this makes sense [...]
What’s All the Fuss About Facebook’s Open Graph and Privacy Policies?
Posted on May 20, 2010
Remember when Facebook was a closed network, open only to college students? Then Facebook went mainstream and everyone could create a profile. But even back then, Facebook remained a closed network: you had to have a Facebook profile to see other profiles and connect with friends.  Facebook was closed to Google and other search engines, which meant Facebook profiles [...]
Posted on May 5, 2010
A bunch of us at Matrix Group now have iPads. We love this device. It's different from the iPhone, PC and game console. Love the apps, touch screen and games.
Dear Restaurant Owner, Please Ditch the All-Flash Web Site
Posted on April 21, 2010
Why do restaurant owners love Flash so much that their entire Web sites are in Flash? Don't get me wrong, I love Flash and I make a living selling Flash movies, branding areas, yada, yada. But most Web sites should not be all Flash! Here's an example of an all Flash site that is annoying and borderline useless. [...]
The Washington Animal Rescue League Web site Redesign
Posted on April 12, 2010
Matrix Group partnered with the Washington Animal Rescue League to launch a redesigned Web site,  In order to help animals in need, the League relies on support from the local community -  The goal of the redesign was to help the League expand its support network within the Washington D.C. metro area, increase animal adoptions and program funding, [...]