An Executive Director’s Guide to Getting the Most Out of Your Next Conference
Posted on August 8, 2017
I recently had coffee with Carol Singer Neuvelt, Executive Director of NAEM. NAEM is a professional association that empowers corporate leaders to advance environmental stewardship, create safe and healthy workplaces, and promote global sustainability.
Carol says that one of NAEM's biggest member benefits is its peer-led educational [...]
What Does Digital Transformation Mean for an Association or Non-Profit?
Posted on July 5, 2017
What does digital transformation mean for an association or non-profit? What does this transformation look like?
These were two of the questions posed by Teri Carden, Founder of ReviewMyAMS and organizer of AMS Fest 2017, held a couple of weeks ago in Chicago. AMS Fest is a conference devoted [...]
When Redesigning Your Website, Don’t Confuse Goals with Requirements
Posted on June 8, 2017
I read a lot of RFPs and I attend a lot of website redesign kickoff meetings. The most important questions I ask are, "Why redesign? Why now?"
I usually get answers like:
- Our website needs to mobile-friendly
- The website needs a faceted search
- Our site search sucks
- The website isn't user-friendly
How Google Docs and Google Slides Changed Biz Dev at Matrix Group
Posted on June 2, 2017
A few years ago, Matrix Group Creative Director Alex Pineda suggested that we ditch PowerPoint and move to Google Slides. The reason? Collaborating on a PPT file is really hard. We used to pass around huge files via email or rely on the network share. Alex came up with a beautiful [...]
Why Your CEO Needs to Attend Your Redesign Meeting
Posted on May 18, 2017
The best kickoff meetings are the ones where the CEO, Executive Director, the EVP or President attend, participate actively and provide insight. Why?
- When the top person in the organization attends a meeting, staff know that meeting [...]
Why There is Still Room for a Small, Local Player in the AMS Space
Posted on May 11, 2017
Last month, some of the largest AMS (association management software) companies (YourMembership, Abila, Aptify and NimbleAMS) joined forces to create Community Brands, which they describe as "a powerful and unified family of brands and a connected eco-system of software and services to better serve associations, nonprofits and government entities."
Designing for Users with Autism
Posted on May 10, 2017
Website design and usage is getting more challenging for a lot of us. In addition to more older Americans accessing the internet via smartphones only, more young people than before are living with diagnosed cognitive disabilities like autism spectrum disorder (ASD), which [...]
How a $35 Device Disrupted an Industry
Posted on April 7, 2017
A few months ago, the office space committee met to discuss conference rooms at Matrix Group. We have a standing committee that is thinking about the future of work and we decided that we needed more collaborative space, complete with a screen and projector since we're always looking at [...]
“What’s Special About Today? Life Lesson from a Six-Year-Old”
Posted on February 15, 2017
I was trying to get my 6-year old out of bed the other morning. He wouldn't budge. Finally, he challenged me by asking, "What's special about today?"
That stopped me my in tracks. "What IS special about today?," I thought. I named a few things: "I'm picking you up early. You have [...]
Members Want Curation and Insight from Their Associations – Part One
Posted on February 8, 2017
One of the best parts of my job is conducting user interviews. Nearly every Matrix Group project starts with a User Persona exercise where we interview staff to glean their most important target audiences. Then a team of Matrix Group staff interview people in each group. Whenever I can, I [...]