Author: Joanna Pineda

Hello 123

It’s been forever since Facebook changed it stream to be divided between Top New and Most Recent and many folks are still scratching their heads wondering what’s what. Here’s why […]

JP Rule #1: Do or do not. There is no try.
Posted on May 5, 2011
[caption id="attachment_2722" align="alignleft" width="200" caption="© 2007 USPS. All Rights Reserved."][/caption] In honor of May 4, a sacred day among Star Wars fans (because George Lucas released all of the Star War movies on May 4th), I'm blogging about my Rule #1: Do or do not. There is no try. Clearly, I did not make up this rule. [...]
JP Rule #3: Never Let Your Client Make a Mistake
Posted on April 21, 2011
The Matrix Group running team wanted t-shirts for a couple of races this Spring and Summer. We ordered black running shirt with our logo printed using a sublimation process, meaning that instead of being an applique, the ink is fused into [...]
Does Your Website Need an Attitude?
Posted on April 13, 2011
Matrix Group recently had the pleasure of helping the Outdoor Foundation launch a new website for one of its initiatives -- Outdoor Nation (ON). Outdoor Nation believes the world would be a better place if we all spent more time outdoors. Outdoor Nation hosts regional summits, [...]
It Ain’t Easy Being Green
Posted on March 30, 2011
Matrix Group is competing in the Arlington Green Games, a competition for the commercial office sector (property owners and tenants) in Arlington, VA to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Gold, Silver, Bronze and Recognition awards are given based on points achieved in different categories: Energy, Transportation, [...]
Facebook Admins Can Now Interact With Others on Facebook as THE Brand
Posted on March 16, 2011
A few days ago, Facebook rolled out changes to the Facebook pages. Facebook pages are the equivalent of user profiles for companies and brands and they're an increasingly important web presence for most organizations. One of the most important changes is the ability of Facebook admins to interact with fans [...]
DecisionPath Consulting Website Redesign
Posted on February 11, 2011
DecisonPath, a business intelligence consultancy, called on Matrix Group for the redesign of its website, which needed to better communicate the company’s capabilities and experience. More importantly, DecisionPath’s staff wanted the website to serve as the company’s primary marketing vehicle and lead generation tool. SEO and usability were critical components of the website’s design and content. Matrix Group:
  • Developed a user-friendly navigation with [...]
Grocery Manufacturers Association Website Redesign
Posted on
Matrix Group partner, Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) is the leading voice for food, beverage and consumer product companies and serves many audiences in communicating the interests, research and publications developed by staff and also helps its members produce safe products through a strong and ongoing commitment to scientific research, testing and evaluation. GMA partnered with Matrix Group and Rational 360 on a [...]