Author: Joanna Pineda

Hello 123

Last week, Matrix Group launched a redesigned version of this blog, Why redesign my blog? I wanted to update the layout and colors, I wanted each post to be […]

Keyboard Pro Case for iPad
Posted on November 13, 2012
I love this iPad case. It essentially turns my iPad into a laptop and even comes in my favorite color - purple!
How the Plumber Lost the Business to Home Depot
Posted on November 8, 2012
Plumber looking confusedThe dishwasher at Matrix Group died yesterday. If you've spent any time with me and my staff,  you know that we like to eat and the dishwasher gets a lot of use. So no dishwasher is a big deal. We called a local [...]
Posted on November 5, 2012
This service helps you remember names, places, quotes, etc. It sends you an email or SMS at just the right time to help you commit things to memory.
Monsters University
Posted on October 29, 2012
Website for Monsters U, Pixar's new movie. Real-life universities could learn a few things from this site!
Posted on October 22, 2012
Powered by The Art Genome Project, allows users to discover works of art through connections between art-historical movements, subject matter, and formal qualities. Cool!
What’s In a Brand?
Posted on October 17, 2012
Many of my clients are rebranding. I think there’s something in the air. Clients are changing their names, updating logos, creating new palettes, and revisiting collateral styles. But what does it mean to rebrand? Matrix Group Alex Pineda is obsessed with branding. He spends a lot of time thinking about logos, colors, typography, imagery, and user experience. Alex says that the [...]
Why I’m Not Taking My Right To Vote For Granted
Posted on October 10, 2012
Voting boothsDuring election season, I’m reminded of a popular Filipino joke from the early 1980s. “There was a Japanese man, an American and a Filipino in a bar. The Japanese man said: our voting system is so advanced that we know within hours who won an election. The American said: [...]
LapDawg O-Stand for iPad
Posted on September 24, 2012
A practical but stylish tablet stand that lets you position your iPad on any surface, in a number of positions.