Author: Joanna Pineda

Hello 123

This map/project takes a look at Maryland food data geographically in hopes of spurring change. With a few clicks, you can plot supermarkets, restaurants, farms, convenience stores, and more!

Maryland Food System Map
Posted on August 5, 2013
This map/project takes a look at Maryland food data geographically in hopes of spurring change. With a few clicks, you can plot supermarkets, restaurants, farms, convenience stores, and more!
How Long Does It Take to Design a Website?
Posted on July 17, 2013
Dollar signWhen I'm presenting to prospects and clients, I almost always get the question "How long will it take to design my website?" As you can imagine, the answer is usually "It depends." Depends on what? In my experience, a design timeline will depend on the scale of the project, the amount [...]
How Designing a Home is Like Designing a Website
Posted on July 11, 2013
[caption id="attachment_4393" align="alignright" width="300"]Colleen Stone's dogs Colleen brought her dogs, Charli and Anya, to the Friday Forum. These cutie pies are on the Stone House Board of Directors[/caption] I had the pleasure of welcoming Colleen Stone, Principal at Stone House , to Matrix Group last week. I [...]
Icon Finder
Posted on June 10, 2013
Love this search engine for icons. They're cute, inexpensive and super fun!
What Does It Mean to Have an Interactive Website?
Posted on June 5, 2013
Man touch virtual screen iconsNot so long ago, clients and prospects would call me and say, "Joanna, I want my website to be more interactive." They wanted to move beyond a website that just had a lot of text to one where visitors could fill out online forms, make purchases online, [...]
Accurate Insulin Decisions Website
Posted on June 1, 2013
Accurate Insulin Decisions, a joint initiative of The Endocrine Society, American Diabetes Association, American Association of Diabetes Educators, American College of Physicians, American Osteopathic Association, American Pharmacists Association and Diabetes Nation, is a program dedicated to helping patients learn to set realistic goals and decide if mealtime insulin can help them achieve those goals, based on their lifestyle and priorities. Diabetes [...]
What’s Your Membership Experience?
Posted on May 22, 2013
I've blogged in the past about Vistage, the CEO membership organization that I've been a member of for five years. I was talking with a Vistage VP a few weeks ago and he summed up the Vistage experience quite succinctly: strong peer advisory group with well-run meetings, effective coaching and world-class speakers. In other words, the [...]
How Google Calendar and Evernote are Keeping Me Organized and Sane
Posted on May 15, 2013
Like most busy working people and parents, I can get overwhelmed by the many people, tasks and appointments vying for my attention throughout the day. My calendar was killing me. My work calendar was fine; it was the school stuff that was out of hand. I was getting emails from the school, from my son's room parents, and from the [...]