Category: Design and Information Architecture

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What Have We Learned About Creating Engaging Meetings from Virtual Conferences?

Not so long ago, clients and prospects would call me and say, “Joanna, I want my website to be more interactive.” They wanted to move beyond a website that just […]

Why Are Infographics So Hot?
Posted on April 17, 2013
Version 13.2 of MatrixMaxx was released last week and it had several notable, new features related to visualization. The first is an infographics builder that lets clients chart meeting registrations […]
How TheMatrixFiles Blog Became Responsive
Posted on November 14, 2012
Last week, Matrix Group launched a redesigned version of this blog, Why redesign my blog? I wanted to update the layout and colors, I wanted each post to be […]
What’s In a Brand?
Posted on October 17, 2012
Many of my clients are rebranding. I think there’s something in the air. Clients are changing their names, updating logos, creating new palettes, and revisiting collateral styles. But what does […]
Why Every Website Needs a Taxonomy
Posted on December 1, 2011
Remember the days when the web was new and we spent hours surfing and checking out random sites? Yeah, neither do I because that was soooo long ago. These days, […]
Why Your Organization Needs a Mobile Strategy
Posted on September 22, 2011
During a meeting with other CEOs last month, I noticed that nobody pulled out their laptops; instead, every person with a device was using an iPad. At least two of […]