Category: Content Marketing and Social Media

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Using Video to Promote Your Meetings and Conferences

I used to think that twittering was for individuals who wanted to broadcast their whereabouts and activities to friends and family. Most of my tweets have to do with where […]

Yes, Even Companies are Twittering!
Posted on November 12, 2008
I used to think that twittering was for individuals who wanted to broadcast their whereabouts and activities to friends and family. Most of my tweets have to do with where […]
Who Needs E-Mail When There’s Facebook?
Posted on August 29, 2008
I’m noticing a curious trend lately. Instead of sending me e-mail, friends and family are sending me messages through Facebook. My niece (age 17) and nephew (age 20) ignore my […]
Does Your CEO Need a Blog?
Posted on August 21, 2008
Several times a week, clients and colleagues ask me if they or their boss should be blogging.  My answer is usually a resounding Yes!, but I also know that a […]
Can the Web and Twitter Help Find Jeddah?
Posted on July 17, 2008
Last Thursday, John and Ronia Weisner were at Dulles Airport, on their way to Saudi Arabia for a year-long assignment.  Accompanying them was their beloved dog, Jeddah.  Somehow, something went terribly […]
Barack Obama is Following Me on Twitter
Posted on July 15, 2008
A friend of mine boasted that she is following Barack Obama on Twitter and he is following her back.  Curious, I logged on to my Twitter account and started following […]
Are You HyperConnected?
Posted on June 10, 2008
A recent study by Nortel and IDC showed just how wired and connected we have become. The study found that: 16% of global workers are already “hyperconnected,” fully embracing a […]