Matrix Group partnered with Doorway for Women and Families (Doorways) of Northern Virginia to design and launch the DoorwaysVA Blog. The goal of the blog was to create a new platform for the Doorways blog was to provide an opportunity for Executive Director Linda Dunphy to showcase the agency’s leadership on issues related to domestic violence and family homelessness in Northern Virginia, provide her perspective on the agency’s fundraising and legislative environments, and connect with supporters through real-life stories.
Matrix Group:
- Created a custom blog design that aligns with Doorways Web site and branding identity, and provides a platform for Linda, and other Doorways staff to post in order to give visitors a personal, inside look behind the statistics of domestic abuse.
- Incorporated an interactive tag cloud visually shows blog visitors the topics that Linda covers most in her posts.
- Integrated elements of Doorway’s social media strategy, with a sidebar displaying the latest post from the Doorways Twitter page, and links to the Doorways Flickr and Facebook fan pages.
- Provided advice and guidance to help Doorways move beyond traditional communications channel and spread its mission to a wider audience of advocates, volunteers, donors and the general public.