Blogging Best Practices – Part Two

by Joanna Pineda Posted on July 28, 2010

This week, I’m doing part two of a blog post I started last week on Blogging Best Practices. This post is inspired by a webinar that I conducted with my friend, blogger and activist Shaun Dakin, Director of Business Development at Infield Communications.  Here are additional take-aways from the webinar.

How about you?  What are your favorite blogging tips? What has worked for you?  And why do you blog?

6 replies on “Blogging Best Practices – Part Two”

Thanks JMP! I particularly like the fact that you need a marketing / promotion plan for your blog. You really can’t “build it and they will come”. Unless, of course, you are Ashton Kutcher or a cute kitten.


If we could bring back the tag, I would make the part about allowing readers to leave comments, blinking, bold, and underlined! I can’t stand it when I read a great blog and have something to say about it but I can’t! OR, when I post an amazingly witty comment to a blog, and I see “This comment is awaiting moderation”. It then goes to some black hole that who knows what will happen to it. It’s discouraging and I usually don’t go back for another helping.


Sean and Bangalow, glad you agree that your blog needs a marketing plan!

Garry, I’m totally with you! The best blogs generate comments from people with diverse perspectives. And I love it when I see passion in the comments! So thanks for commenting!

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