Tips for Working From Home Effectively

by Leah Monica Posted on March 17, 2020

Guest post by Leah Monica, Director of Marketing

Matrix Group zoom video callWith the Coronavirus officially declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization, many organizations are requiring that their employees work from home. When working remotely full-time isn’t the norm for you and your staff, it can be tough to know how to stay productive, stay connected, and make the most of your days.

I’ve been working remotely full-time for Matrix Group for just over 4 years, and during that time I’ve unlocked the secrets for making remote work super productive and enjoyable. Here are my top tips:

Get up and get ready for your day

Many people say one of the perks of working from home is just being able to roll out of bed 30 seconds before you need to start working. Sure, in theory that’s true, but I’ve found that if I don’t get up, take a shower, make my bed, and have my morning cup of coffee before I sign on for the day, I am much less productive. Be sure to show up at your best, just like you would if you were going into the office – fresh-faced and alert.

Don’t work in your pajamas

While staying in your pajamas all day and getting paid to do it may sound like a dream – they’re so darn comfortable – many studies have shown that how you are dressed impacts your productivity. You don’t need to put on a suit, but try to wear something that you would be willing to wear out in public. It will shock you how much more alert you will feel throughout the day!

Sit at a desk

…and not on your couch, in your recliner, or on your bed. Just like the clothes you are wearing, your environment can have a strong impact on your productivity. It’s tempting to let yourself get a little more comfortable when you’re working from home, but getting comfortable can be very dangerous. I had a friend who once fell asleep for a couple of hours on the job because they decided to settle in to their big, comfortable recliner for the day. Yikes!

Get out of the house (with caution)

Social distancing is of paramount importance right now and should be a high priority. However, if you are well and able, taking a quick walk around the block or neighborhood (alone or with your family) will make a huge difference for your sanity. I highly recommend stepping out for a quick walk right at the end of your work day to help make the mental transition between work and home life, and also recommend a quick breath of fresh air any time you’re feeling a bit cooped up.

Set clear boundaries with others in your home

If you have a significant other, roommate, kids, or other family members that will be home during your workday, make sure you set firm boundaries and stick to them. Be clear about the hours you will be working, where you will be located, and under what circumstances (if any) it’s okay to interrupt.

Leave the chores for later

While it may be tempting to sneak in a load of laundry or two, unload the dishwasher, or get dinner started, try to save your chores for outside of working hours. Take advantage of the time that you would otherwise be commuting to get the housework done so that you can focus 100% on your job during business hours.

Stay connected

Don’t let the fact that you’re physically removed from the office impact your work or work relationships in any way. Set up regular calls with your team, get on video chat for important meetings, and make sure to stay active on your company instant messenger. It will make all the difference!

Do you work from home often? Have any other tips to share about effectively working from home? Please share!

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