Recruiting Top Job Candidates Through the Barry Deutsch Method

by Joanna Pineda Posted on November 4, 2009

Needle in a HaystackA few years ago, Matrix Group was looking for a Network Administrator. We had been looking for 18 months with no success.  The situation was bleak. The candidates coming in were awful, my team was overworked and desperate to make a hire, and recruiters were failing us miserably.

Then I attended a presentation by Barry Deutsch, CEO of Impact Hiring Solutions, an executive search firm.  Barry’s presentation had such an impact on me and my company that Barry Deutsch is now a verb at Matrix Group.

When a job announcement is not pulling in the candidates we need, I tell my staff to “Barry Deutsch” the description.

Barry says that the top hiring mistakes companies make are:

Ultimately, we all want to hire and retain top talent.  Here is what Barry has to say about top talent:

Barry has a whole methodology for finding top candidates, interviewing them, checking references, making the offer, etc.  He even has a great, funny, insightful book that I highly recommend: You’re Not the Person I Hired.  It’ s a must read if you are involved in your company’s hiring process in any way or if your company is struggling with recruiting.

So what happened to our open Network Administrator job? We completely rewrote the job announcement and instead of listing minimum requirements, we made the job aspirational. We talked about the opportunities and challenges of working with so many technologies, managing a diverse hosting environment, and the crazy launch schedules.  We even gave the job a new title: Network Admin Superhero. We rewrote the interview questions.  And we spent a lot of time on the phone with references.  The result?

We got amazing candidates within a few days and we filled the job in three weeks. (I am not making this up, just ask Deb, my IT Manager.)  My staff will tell you that I swear Barry Deutsch changed my life and he really did.  We continue to use the Barry method and recently made an offer to an amazing candidate for the MatrixMaxx Project Manager/Brewmaster.  We also recently hired a Project Manager/Cat Herder/Master Juggler.

How about you?  What kind of hiring challenges does your organization face? Do you need to Barry Deutsch your hiring process?

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