Creating an Integrated Marketing Strategy for Your Organization That Blends Traditional Marketing and Social Networking

by Joanna Pineda Posted on October 1, 2009

Kids and Puzzle PiecesClients often ask me how to add social media to their marketing and communication initiatives.  Rather than viewing social media as a separate program, I recommend adding social media to existing marketing activities.

In addition, I recommend against blasting the same message across the different platforms.  Instead, I urge clients to create a layered approach that uses each platform according to its strengths and capabilities.  Here are some examples:

Example #1: Trade Association Wants to Promote a Conference

Example #2: Shoe Boutique Wants to Increase Traffic to Bricks and Mortar Store During the Holiday Season

Note that on the social networking platforms, it’s important to offer advice, share links, and report on industry news and trends and NOT just market your company and offerings.  By participating in the social networks as a provider of content (not advertising), your organization becomes a friends and an advisor, worthy of following.

How about you?  How is your organization integrating social media into traditional marketing campaigns?  How is your message and content different on each platform?  With what results?

2 replies on “Creating an Integrated Marketing Strategy for Your Organization That Blends Traditional Marketing and Social Networking”

Good advice. Seeing the same information offered on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and GovLoop is repetitive and makes me think the organization 1) doesn’t have that much to share and 2) doesn’t know how to properly use social networking tools.

Katie, you are so right! Organizations that simply tweet their news or press releases aren’t creating a layered experience for their followers and providing no incentive to follow them on all platforms. Plus, it’s just not interesting!

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