BeSpeake™ Features

Game-changing features your conferences deserve.

BeSpeake Flexible - screenshot of BeSpeake on multiple devices


No matter where your attendees are and how they’re attending your event, BeSpeake makes connection easy. Whether your conference is in-person, virtual, or hybrid, BeSpeake will offer your attendees a beautiful, powerful, seamless experience.

BeSpeake Live Education Screenshot

Live Education

Live doesn’t have to be scary. Your production company can stream your live sessions into BeSpeake. Or BeSpeake broadcast engineers can help you put together broadcast-quality sessions that contain live and pre-recorded content, engaging graphics and transitions, sponsor videos, polling, breakouts, session evaluations, and more.

BeSpeake Video Meeting Rooms screenshot

Video Meetings Rooms

Our speakeasy video rooms can be used for breakout sessions, sponsor lounges, Ask the Expert sessions, private appointments, and more. They’re not Zoom, they’re secure, they support multiple access levels, and they’re even brandable!

BeSpeake networking screenshot


We’ve cracked the code on creating virtual events where attendees actually network with each other. We have matchmaking rooms and networking lounges where attendees can be on video, meet new people, and catch up with friends and colleagues.

BeSpeake Exhibitor and Sponsor Benefits screenshot

Exhibitor and Sponsor Benefits

Bring your exhibitors to your attendees and offer them real benefits: sessions on the main stage, sessions in the tradeshow, appointment scheduling, attendee messaging, banner ads, and detailed analytics.

BeSpeake Poster Session Screenshot

Poster Sessions

Extend the life of your poster sessions by giving poster presenters their own page to present their research or products, video Q&A rooms, appointment scheduling, message center, and chat.

BeSpeake Message Center screenshot

Message Center

We offer beautiful attendee profile pages, attendee to attendee messaging (with the option to send notifications via email), customizable attendee search, and more!

BeSpeake Appointment Scheduling feature screenshot

Appointment Scheduling

Let’s face it. We attend conferences to meet our friends and colleagues, and meet new people. Our user-friendly appointment scheduler makes it easy to reach out and schedule a meeting. Meetings can be scheduled for in person or in video meeting rooms!

BeSpeake Polling & CE Tracking feature

Polling & CE Tracking

Make your sessions more interactive by adding polling and sharing the results in real-time with attendees. Need a way to prove that your attendees were watching AND paying attention? Our CE Tracking feature displays questions during livestreams – at random times for each attendee to prevent gaming of the system.

BeSpeake Question of the Day Feature Screenshot

Question of the Day

Want to know what your attendees are thinking? Ask them through our Conference Board! Post questions and encourage attendees to post a comment. Or invite attendees to share job openings, recent projects, requests for collaboration!